Friday, 30 August 2013

Because I like to play with things- Lego Iphone5 Cover!

hold on to your hats people

I own a jelly $10 rip-off of this concept... but this is legit!

Ooh the fun that could be had.. gotta love pointless, personalisable, DIY thingymabobs!

found via

photo's courtesy BELKIN

Monday, 5 August 2013

A bit about Freud

The Century of the Self, by Adam Curtis

I feel like EVERYONE can gain something from watching this documentary

Its an eye opener, on human behaviour in the crowd, consumerism, the birth of psychoanalysis and the Power's manipulation of our subconscious desires.

Curious? You should be

youtube won't let me upload the video directly...
but website above is good :)

Tuesday, 30 July 2013

Lime Cordiale... mmm tasty

EVERYONE should listen to this. These Sydney boys are just slightly incredible

Saw them perform at The Workers Club in Melbourne last month, and Im crushing hard for them!!

Epic Brother vocal duo and band, hella gorgeous to look at, incredible tunes.
bit of Reggae cum surf cum indie-pop-rock goodnesss.

Aghh so good.. how do I do them justice?
Whole body was aching the next day, hows that? ;)

Hot hot hot

Oli (vocals/guitars) directed this vid too!

and the lead singer Louis has mad art skills...
Ima call him Picasso's beached as bro.

LIME ART - instagram that shit

Lime Cordiale are touring round Australia again very soon too.
 but im not gonna tell you the details, cus I want them for myself ... hehe

Check their website or facebook group if you must xo

Saturday, 27 July 2013

A non-florists guide to buying flowers.

Buying flowers, can't decided which ones... classic dilemma
and Just to add to the pressure of choosing the right bunch of flowers for a gift....

Apparently theres a whole lotta meaning behind those buds!!!

take the LILY;

White Lily= majesty, purity, virginity 

Stargazer Lily= ambition

Tiger lily= wealth, pride

Calla Lily= beauty, regal

the daffodil= chivalry, respect

a yellow chrysanthemum= secret admirer

         a daisy= innocence, fidelity



generalFascination; distinction; love
redDeep romantic love, passion, "My heart aches for you," "Alas; for my poor heart!"
greensecret symbol of the followers of Oscar Wilde
whiteSweet and lovely, innocence, pure love, faithfulness
pinkA woman's love, a mother's love, "I'll never forget you," "Always on my mind."
yellowrejectiondisdain, You have disappointed me
purpleCapriciousnesswhimsical, changeable, unreliability
mauveDreams of fantasy
stripedNo, refusal, "Sorry I can't be with you."
solid colorYes, affirmative

hibiscus or orchid= delicate beauty 

Marigold= desire for riches, pain and grief 

(ironic double meaning?)

peony= healing, bashful                         balsamine= impatience
lisianthus= outgoing 

sunflower= adoration, pure thoughts


lavender= distrust

lilac= first love

acacia= secret love 

asparagus (foliage)= fascination
so dont be too offended if you get a bunch of asparagus on your first date... :P

rhododendron= beware!! 

   snap dragon= desire                                 


Tulips= declaration of love!

reddeclaration of love
yellowhopelessly in love

Roses= romance, love, all that jazz

redpassionate love
red & whiteunity

redTrue love
blueMystery, attaining the impossible, love at first sight
whitesilence or innocence, wistfulness, virtue, purity, secrecy, reverence and humility
dried white rosesorrow
blackDeath, hatred, farewell, rejuvenation or rebirth
yellowFriendship, jealousy, infidelity, apology, a broken heart, intense emotion, undying love, extreme betrayal
dark pinkGratitude
light pinkDesire, passion, joy of life, youth, energy
burgundyUnconscious beauty
coral or orangeDesire, passion
lavender (violet)Love at first sight
red and white togetherUnited
red and yellow togetherJoy, happiness and excitement
thornlessLove at first sight


Dont read into the meaning of flowers too much, because usually 

(for me anything that smells good or is fantastically coloured is a winner :) )

Tuesday, 23 July 2013

Get over Heartbreak in Half an hour!

lol jokes. thats impossible

but here's a mini playlist that could just sum up the emotional rollercoaster it is,
from rock bottom to FREEEDOM and the light at the end of tunnel ;)

enjoy xo happy hump day!

Sunday, 21 July 2013

Ever been disappointed by someone?...never again

haha too many times!!!
You know the sorta thing I'm talking about.

Don't expect people to follow through, because they wont

But you have the power.

It's your call!


BEYONCE is on to something!

even the freakin Pussycat dolls get it.

or a woman


Ultimately... if you wanna get what you want,


good luck xo

Friday, 19 July 2013

Keep your toes happy


they are too wonderful for words

swedish design- so you know theyre good

shes working them in heels

so bright! so wonderful

he's working shorts?!

i love patternssss

hawt look!

bam. hello socksss

tiger stripes!

and they got ankle socks toooo

found wally!

the high-knee. bold.

cute look!

tights having an identity crisis...

Keeping those toes TOASTY, I've discovered is NUMBER 1 key to staying warm this winter.

So treat your feet ;) you wont regret xo