Friday, 30 August 2013

Because I like to play with things- Lego Iphone5 Cover!

hold on to your hats people

I own a jelly $10 rip-off of this concept... but this is legit!

Ooh the fun that could be had.. gotta love pointless, personalisable, DIY thingymabobs!

found via

photo's courtesy BELKIN

Monday, 5 August 2013

A bit about Freud

The Century of the Self, by Adam Curtis

I feel like EVERYONE can gain something from watching this documentary

Its an eye opener, on human behaviour in the crowd, consumerism, the birth of psychoanalysis and the Power's manipulation of our subconscious desires.

Curious? You should be

youtube won't let me upload the video directly...
but website above is good :)